Welcome to NORTEX

Hello Dancers,

Winter has come blowing in with all its glory. It resulted in schools across the area closing for a couple of day to insure the safety of the students and staff. This included me. I pray that all of you guys have made it through safe and warm.

The new year brings on new opportunities within NORTEX. Several clubs are having lessons. It is great to see NORTEX growing and hopefully exceeding the 550 member mark it reached last year after the membership drive.

Having lessons is one way to grow NORTEX but it isn’t the only way. We need to keep and maintain the dancers we already have within NORTEX. I challenge the clubs to try and keep dancers on their rolls who could possibly drop off. Contact them and let them know you, as a club, are wondering how they are doing, etc… Show interest in them outside of the square dance world. This could possibly bring back some that don’t feel like they really want to be a part of dancing. Dancers are family and friends. Roll out the welcome mat to our new dancers coming in and those we already have dancing.

I have heard of another group of young dancers coming into lessons this winter. It is so wonderful to see this interest. We need to find ways to engage the teens and get them excited about square dancing. I am open to ideas if anyone has suggestions. I have heard a suggestion of doing a “lock in”. I am not sure how this would work but sounds great.

Keep dancing and having fun. I look forward to seeing you all out on the dance floor somewhere.

Let’s Grow NORTEX,